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A legal opinion

The explanations and information provided on this page are only general, high-level explanations and information on how to write your own shipping policy document. You should not consider this article as legal advice or a recommendation on what you should do, as we cannot know in advance what specific shipping policies you want to establish between your business and your customers. We recommend that you seek legal advice to help you understand and create your own shipping policy.

Shipping policy – the basics

That said, a shipping policy is a legally binding document that aims to establish the legal relationships between you and your customers. This is the legal framework for presenting your obligations to your clients, but also for addressing the different possible scenarios that may arise, and what happens in each case.

A delivery policy is a good practice and it helps both parties – you and your customers. Your customers can benefit from information on what they can expect from your service. You can benefit from this because people are more likely to shop from you if you have a clear delivery policy in place, since there will be no questions about your delivery times or process.

What to include in the delivery policy

Generally speaking, a shipping policy often addresses these types of issues: order processing time, shipping costs, different domestic and international shipping solutions, potential service interruptions, and much more.

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